Results for 'Rayiv David Torres Sánchez'

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  1.  30
    La soledad de lo Uno: Mística y teología negativa en la obra de Michel de Certeau”.Rayiv David Torres Sánchez - 2017 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 50:245-260.
    From the moment in which all body is hidden, and the grave is empty of all presence, has a fundamental lack in common. Therefore this lack, in regard to the Christian world, is expressed in terms of original concealment. For its part, the medieval theological and mystical tradition, heiress and interlocutor of a metaphysical tradition of the Hellenic world, systematized throughout the centuries the grammar of this disappearance in terms of an inaccessibility and irreducibility of being, namely, an essential of (...)
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    La retirada de la presencia. Lenguaje y negatividad en la filosofía de Maurice Blanchot.Rayiv David Torres Sánchez - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (169):255-278.
    Se analiza la relación entre la escritura y la presencia en la obra de Maurice Blanchot, se delimita el fundamento textual de la presencia en el orden de la literatura y se toman como referentes teóricos los conceptos de “espacio literario” y “pensamiento del afuera” de Michel Foucault. Si bien el propósito de examinar dicha relación es deconstruir el vínculo entre presencia y lenguaje, Blanchot conduce a considerar esa continuidad en términos de una presencia nunca completa ni devenida que se (...)
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    Panoptismo digital y gubernamentalidad algorítmica. Una mirada desde la Teoría social.David Jorge Domínguez González & Mario Domínguez Sánchez-Pinilla - 2023 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 12 (2):261-277.
    La vigilancia tecnológica, que comienza como un mecanismo empresarial de captación y fidelización clientelar, ha conocido un desarrollo tecnológico tal que, junto a la obtención masiva de datos producidos de forma inconsciente y su tratamiento por la inteligencia artificial, ha permitido la anticipación de las tendencias y la supervisión constante de los deseos e intereses de los usuarios. La integración de vigilancia y consumo ha supuesto que esta lógica del mercado pueda ser entregada a la gubernamentalidad, transformando la racionalidad disciplinaria (...)
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  4. La esclavitud en Cartagena en los siglos XVII y XVIII.Rafael Torres Sánchez - 1986 - Contrastes 2:81-102.
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  5. Introducción.David Torres Castrillejo - 2025 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 27.
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  6. Lo estético y el sentido: una lectura de la fe desde la finalidad.David Alonso Sánchez Elizondo - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (120):119-125.
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    Génesis de la episteme de lo criminal: anotaciones en torno a Beccaria, Ferri y Foucault.David J. Domínguez & Mario Domínguez Sánchez-Pinilla - 2021 - Isegoría 65:13-13.
    The fundamental principles of the classical utilitarian school characterize this trend as an administrative and legal criminology. This had two implications. On the one hand, the motives, and ultimate causes of the behavior and the unequal consequences of an arbitrary rule were ignored. On the other hand, the role of the judge was reduced to enforcing the law, while it was up to the judge to set a penalty for each offence. At the end of the nineteenth century, these principles (...)
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    Contribución al concepto de fetichización en Alfred Schmidt: valores de uso como forma natural.David Ruslam Sánchez Pacheco - 2013 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 18 (61):63-69.
    La cuidosa obra de Alfred Schmidt sobre el concepto de naturaleza en Marx es ya muestra del marxismo crítico. Si el marxismo, como ha sido visto, es un discurso que ve a la naturaleza y a la sociedad como entidades guiadas exclusivamente por la razón instrumental; entonces el marxismo estaría por de..
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    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Dialogical Ethics and Market Information. [REVIEW]Dennis A. Kopf, David Boje & Ivonne M. Torres - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (S2):285 - 297.
    We apply dialogism to ethical thought to form a theory of Dialogical Ethics (DE). Specifically, DE is defined as the interplay between four historic ethical traditions: Formal (Kantian) Ethics, Content-Sense (Utilitarian) Ethics, Answerability Ethics, and Value/Virtue (Story) Ethics. On a broader level, DE can be understood as the interplay between the ethical ideas of society. We then use DE to analyze a number of problems in business including sweatshop labor and environmental degradation. To counteract these injustices, we propose two recommendations: (...)
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    Error sanitario y seguridad de pacientes: bases jurídicas para un registro de sucesos adversos en el sistema nacional de salud.David Larios Risco & Fernando Abellán-García Sánchez (eds.) - 2009 - Granada: Comares.
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    Visualizing Research on Industrial Clusters and Global Value Chains: A Bibliometric Analysis.Thais González-Torres, José-Luis Rodríguez-Sánchez, Antonio Montero-Navarro & Rocío Gallego-Losada - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:565977.
    In the current digital era, the borders amongst firms are getting blurred when it comes to value creation. Therefore, the traditional configuration of the value chain is frequently replaced by other ones which include the collaborative participation of different agents. Within this context, global value chains, where the value activities are located in different countries, and industrial clusters, which combine competition and cooperation, are attracting a growing attention of both business leaders and scholars in the recent years. Through a bibliometric (...)
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  12.  12
    Reinforcement Learning with Probabilistic Boolean Network Models of Smart Grid Devices.Pedro Juan Rivera Torres, Carlos Gershenson García, María Fernanda Sánchez Puig & Samir Kanaan Izquierdo - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-15.
    The area of smart power grids needs to constantly improve its efficiency and resilience, to provide high quality electrical power in a resilient grid, while managing faults and avoiding failures. Achieving this requires high component reliability, adequate maintenance, and a studied failure occurrence. Correct system operation involves those activities and novel methodologies to detect, classify, and isolate faults and failures and model and simulate processes with predictive algorithms and analytics. In this paper, we showcase the application of a complex-adaptive, self-organizing (...)
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    Conception of university extension from Santiago of Cuba medical sciences.Daniel Sebastián García Torres, Rosandra Díaz Suárez, Miguel Enrique Sánchez Hechavarría & Mirelna Mendoza Ruíz - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):566-575.
    RESUMEN El presente artículo está dirigido a sistematizar una concepción teórica y metodológica que sustente el proceso de extensión universitaria en la carrera de Medicina en Cuba. Entre los resultados se destaca el lugar y papel de la extensión universitaria en el sistema de la formación integral del profesional a la que se asigna una connotación especial, de marcado contenido axiológico, coherente con las necesidades y proyecciones sociales que facilita la formación del educando y fortalece la relación institución-comunidad. Es factible (...)
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    Reflexiones para una educación ético-estética de la belleza como contribución a la dignificación de la persona en el deporte.Antonio Sánchez Pato & Francisco de la Torre Olid - 2016 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 18:86-109.
    Desde la teología y la filosofía podemos comprender el concepto de belleza en el deporte ligado a la dignidad humana. Para ello, en este artículo: a) analizamos desde la antropología del cristianismo el lugar del cuerpo y el valor del deporte en la vida del ser humano; b) abordamos la estética intentando comprender la belleza ligada a la dignidad; a continuación, c) proponemos una educación estética donde la belleza ligada al deporte no está exenta del sufrimiento, las limitaciones físicas o (...)
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  15. Overconfidence among beginners: Is a little learning a dangerous thing?Carmen Sanchez & David Dunning - 2018 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 114 (1):10.
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  16. Nothingness is all what there is: an exploration of objectless awareness during sleep.Adriana Alcaraz-Sanchez, Ema Demsar, Teresa Campillo-Ferrer & Gabriela Torres-Plata - forthcoming - Frontiers in Psychology.
    Recent years have seen a heightened focus on the study of minimal forms of awareness during sleep to advance the study of consciousness and understand what makes a state conscious. This focus draws on an increased interest in anecdotical descriptions made by classic Indian philosophical traditions about unusual forms of awareness during sleep. For instance, in the so-called state of witnessing-sleep or luminosity sleep, one is said to reach a state that goes beyond ordinary dreaming and abide in a state (...)
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  17. Crisis paradigmática, responsabilidad universitaria y amenazas globales.David Sánchez Rubio - 2004 - In Seco Martínez, José María & David Sánchez Rubio (eds.), Esferas de democracia. Sevilla: Aconcagua.
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    De que sirven señas de mudos a un ciego o hablarle con la voz a un sordo.R. Torres, Saulo de Jesús & Julián Andrés Bueno Sánchez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    El deseo diferido de Los padres Por obtener un título reflejado en Los hijos al elegir su Carrera.David Gómez Sánchez, Ramón Gerardo Recio Reyes & Eugenia Inés Martínez López - 2011 - Aposta 48.
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    Applying the Personal and Social Responsibility Model as a School-Wide Project in All Participants: Teachers’ Views.David Manzano-Sánchez, Luís Conte-Marín, Manuel Gómez-López & Alfonso Valero-Valenzuela - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present study aims to apply a program based on Hellison’s Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSR), traditionally used in Physical Education, to other educational subjects and examine the assessment of the teachers who carried it out during the 2018-2019 school year. The program was applied over eight months of one academic year and during at least 60% of the weekly class hours. Initially, 586 students participated, 429 being experimental subjects with 30 teachers, of whom 16 participated in the (...)
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  21.  30
    Statistical Differences in Set Analysis in Badminton at the RIO 2016 Olympic Games.Gema Torres-Luque, Ángel Iván Fernández-García, Juan Carlos Blanca-Torres, Miran Kondric & David Cabello-Manrique - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The aim of the present study was to determine statistical differences in a set of badminton competition matches in five different modalities with regard to competition level (Group Phase versus Eliminatory Phase). Data from 453 sets (125 in men’s singles; 108 sets in women’s singles; 77 sets in men’s doubles; 73 in women’s doubles and 70 in mixed doubles) from the RIO 2016 Olympics Games were recorded and classified in two groups of variables to analyse variables related to match (5) (...)
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  22. Permission from an Input/Output Perspective.David Makinson & Leendert van der Torre - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (4):391 - 416.
    Input/output logics are abstract structures designed to represent conditional obligations and goals. In this paper we use them to study conditional permission. This perspective provides a clear separation of the familiar notion of negative permission from the more elusive one of positive permission. Moreover, it reveals that there are at least two kinds of positive permission. Although indistinguishable in the unconditional case, they are quite different in conditional contexts. One of them, which we call static positive permission, guides the citizen (...)
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  23.  11
    Autonomía En la Esfera Política y Religiosa En Kant.Hermes Raúl Torres Sánchez - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 19.
    La filosofía kantiana se ha destacado por ocuparse por temas tan importantes como la ética, la religión, el derecho, entre otros. Todos ellos desde una perspectiva humanista, es decir, teniendo en cuenta valores como la dignidad humana y la autonomía moral propios de un proyecto ilustrado. Estos valores han servido para cuestionar y criticar muchas de las injusticias y abusos que se cometen contra el ser humano, en especial en el terreno de la religión por no asumir un pensamiento propio. (...)
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    La naturaleza de las cosas como factor jurídico.Ángel Sánchez de la Torre - 2003 - Arbor 175 (691):1111-1129.
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    Predicting Thalasso Tourist Delight: A Hybrid SEM—Artificial Intelligence Analysis.Agustín J. Sánchez-Medina, Ylenia I. Naranjo-Barrera, Jesús B. Alonso & Julio Francisco Rufo Torres - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
    This study focuses on the influence of the quality of services received by thalassotherapy customers on their global satisfaction and the relationship between this and the word of mouth. This study uses a hybrid SEM—classification tree analysis. The empirical findings reveal a significant relationship between the quality of each offered service and global satisfaction. This study contributes to identify tourist’s satisfaction or delight on received thalasso services through a proposed methodology. The main contribution of this work consists of the proposal (...)
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    The Coalition of Immokalee Workers Uses Ensemble Storytelling Processes to Overcome Enslavement in Corporate Supply Chains.Mabel Sanchez, Richard A. Herder, David M. Boje & Grace Ann Rosile - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):376-414.
    The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) has successfully combated modern-day slavery by transforming the ways that over a dozen major brands, including Taco Bell, Subway, and Wal-Mart, manage their supply chains. The CIW’s efforts over more than 20 years have effectively stopped enslavement practices, including abuses such as wage theft and peonage indebtedness. We conducted a field ethnography, interviews, and archival analyses to understand this success. We find that the CIW employs a decentered, egalitarian, and ensemble approach to their multiplicities (...)
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  27. Input/Output Logics.David Makinson & Leendert van der Torre - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (4):383 - 408.
    In a range of contexts, one comes across processes resembling inference, but where input propositions are not in general included among outputs, and the operation is not in any way reversible. Examples arise in contexts of conditional obligations, goals, ideals, preferences, actions, and beliefs. Our purpose is to develop a theory of such input/output operations. Four are singled out: simple-minded, basic (making intelligent use of disjunctive inputs), simple-minded reusable (in which outputs may be recycled as inputs), and basic reusable. They (...)
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  28.  43
    Design and Validation of an Observational Instrument for the Technical-Tactical Actions in Singles Tennis.Gema Torres-Luque, Ángel Iván Fernández-García, David Cabello-Manrique, José María Giménez-Egido & Enrique Ortega-Toro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Political Ontology and Emancipation in Castoriadis and Laclau–Mouffe.David Sánchez Piñeiro - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (180):1-22.
    Cornelius Castoriadis’ The Imaginary Institution of Society and Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's Hegemony and Socialist Strategy are two cornerstones of contemporary political philosophy. Insufficient consideration has been given to the fact that both works show important theoretical coincidences in terms of structure and content. The first part of this article explores the possibility of reading Castoriadis’ work in post-foundational terms, following Oliver Marchart's approach. In addition, the respective political ontologies of Castoriadis and Laclau and Mouffe are presented as ‘ontologies (...)
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    El Debate Historiográfico en torno al Sistema Nobi.David Andrades Sánchez - 2024 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 7 (2):53-76.
    Actualmente existe un debate en torno a la naturaleza del sistema nobi a lo largo de la historia de Corea. Podemos encontrar historiadores que definen el sistema nobi como un sistema de esclavitud y a los nobi como esclavos, y a historiadores que prefieren definirlo como un sistema de servidumbre y a los nobi como siervos. En este artículo se expone la interpretación que el historiador estadounidense James B. Palais ofreció sobre el sistema nobi en la dinastía Joseon de Corea (...)
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  31. Constraints for Input/Output Logics.David Makinson & Leendert van der Torre - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 30 (2):155 - 185.
    In a previous paper we developed a general theory of input/output logics. These are operations resembling inference, but where inputs need not be included among outputs, and outputs need not be reusable as inputs. In the present paper we study what happens when they are constrained to render output consistent with input. This is of interest for deontic logic, where it provides a manner of handling contrary-to-duty obligations. Our procedure is to constrain the set of generators of the input/output system, (...)
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    Arqueologías de la imagen-red: La subjetividad dialógica en level five de Chris Marker.David Montero Sánchez - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 43:93-109.
    El presente artículo explora la presencia de un principio dialógico en la configuración de las subjetividades que interactúan en Level Five de Chris Marker con el objetivo de matizar la metáfora crítica que califica de forma consistente el cine del director francés como ejemplo del autorretrato. Mediante el concepto bajtiniano de “devenir ideológico”, el texto presta especial atención a la creciente importancia que juegan las tecnologías de la comunicación en los procesos de reacentuación discursiva que determinan en último término la (...)
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  33.  22
    Estudio reflexivo: experiencias pedagógicas y método socializado en educación superior.David Saúl Cuéllar Juárez, Flor de María Sánchez Aguirre & Lourdes Ivonne del Carmen Alcaide Aranda - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-9.
    El objetivo del estudio fue sistematizar y analizar la revisión teórica que fundamenta la experiencia pedagógica y el método socializado de los estudiantes de educación superior. El enfoque del estudio fue cualitativo, tipo de investigación revisión de literatura, diseño narrativo, considerando criterios de similitud en las diversas teorías revisadas en artículos de alto impacto, además, de utilizar las estrategias de diagrama de árbol y la estrategia de investigación activa (DIA). Se concluye que existe incipiente uso del método socializado; carencia de (...)
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  34. I see actions. Affordances and the expressive role of perceptual judgments.David Sanchez - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (7):1683-1704.
    Originally formulated as a theory of perception, ecological psychology has shown in recent decades an increasing interest in language. However, a comprehensive approach to language by ecological psychology has not yet been developed, as there is neither a naturalist philosophy of language nor one that takes ecological psychology as its scientific background. Our goal here is to argue that a subject naturalist and non-factualist framework can open the possibility of an expressivist analysis of perceptual judgments that is compatible with the (...)
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  35.  28
    Emotional Reactions and Adaptation to COVID-19 Lockdown (or Confinement) by Spanish Competitive Athletes: Some Lesson for the Future.José Carlos Jaenes Sánchez, David Alarcón Rubio, Manuel Trujillo, Rafael Peñaloza Gómez, Amir Hossien Mehrsafar, Andrea Chirico, Francesco Giancamilli & Fabio Lucidi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The Coronavirus Covid 19 pandemic has produced terrible effects in the world economy and is shaking social and political stability around the world. The world of sport has obviously been severely affected by the pandemic, as authorities progressively canceled all level of competitions, including the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. In Spain, the initial government-lockdown closed the Sports High-performance Centers, and many other sports facilities. In order to support athlete's health and performance at crises like these, an online questionnaire named (...)
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    Universalidad, faccionalismo y exclusión. Democracia representativa y democracia populista en la obra de Nadia Urbinati.David Sánchez Piñeiro - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (3):343-353.
    La politóloga Nadia Urbinati sostiene que el populismo no es un movimiento antidemocrático. A pesar de ello, establece una contraposición entre “democracia representativa” y “democracia “populista”. La primera tendría como lógica constitutiva la sinécdoque (pars pro toto), mientras que la segunda se correspondería con una lógica faccional (pars pro parte). Tomando como punto de partida su definición de democracia representativa, y contrastándola con la teoría del populismo de Ernesto Laclau y Chantal Mouffe, se argumentará que, lejos de representar una “desfiguración” (...)
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    Day and Night. Activities by and for the Children from El Refugio in Ancient Neighbourhoods of the Historic Centre of Puebla.Adriana Hernández Sánchez & Christian Enrique De La Torre Sánchez - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 41:83-106.
    The purpose of the following investigation is to understand how children from the old historic district El Refugio (or Barrio del Refugio) of the city of Puebla (Mexico) live in public spaces and what their days and nights look like. It is extremely important to understand the reasons for their appropriation of various places in the city because it allows one to explore the conditions in which they manifest autonomous attitudes. This article is therefore not only about customs and culture, (...)
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    Lost Symbols in the Historic City of Puebla in Mexico.Adriana Hernández Sánchez & Christian Enrique De La Torre Sánchez - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 40:11-43.
    Since its origin, the city of Puebla has had representative elements in its public spaces that have survived for a long time, they are ornamental and utilitarian objects which are landmarks of the city. Street furniture is a benchmark of identity too. All elements have legends, they are references that have given identity to streets and avenues. Natural elements also refer to a city’s identity, like trees. But the natural element that defined origin, trace and growth of the city is (...)
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    Situación actual de la contaminación electromagnética no ionizante en Colombia.Javier Ignacio Torres Osorio & Luz Elena Agudelo Sánchez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Trait Emotional Intelligence and Wellbeing During the Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Meaning-Centered Coping.Maria-Jose Sanchez-Ruiz, Natalie Tadros, Tatiana Khalaf, Veronica Ego, Nikolett Eisenbeck, David F. Carreno & Elma Nassar - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Studies investigating the COVID-19 pandemic from a psychological point of view have mostly focused on psychological distress. This study adopts the framework of existential positive psychology, a second wave of positive psychology that emphasizes the importance of effective coping with the negative aspects of living in order to achieve greater wellbeing. Trait emotional intelligence (trait EI) can be crucial in this context as it refers to emotion-related personality dispositions concerning the understanding and regulation of one’s emotions and those of others. (...)
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    Lateralization of Sucrose Responsiveness and Non-associative Learning in Honeybees.David Baracchi, Elisa Rigosi, Gabriela de Brito Sanchez & Martin Giurfa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Lévinas, Filósofo Judío.Jose David Ramirez Sanchez - 2010 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 31 (103).
    La filosofía de Lévinas se inspira en las fuentes tradicionales del judaísmo, por más que apenas consienta que afloren a la superficie del discurso. De ahí la conveniencia de abordar su obra como un palimpsesto en el que operan dos niveles textuales, uno de ellos explícito y el otro velado. El Otro y el Mismo se relacionan entre sí según el modelo bíblico del vínculo YHWH-Israel: mientras que la Revelación inspira la epifanía del rostro, la Redención subyace a la reconstrucción (...)
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    ¿Es posible un encuentro fructífero entre Marx y Foucault?David J. Domínguez González & Mario Domínguez Sánchez-Pinilla - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (3):285-303.
    El impacto generado por Vigilar y castigar no ha dejado de crecer desde su aparición en 1975. En este artículo se abordan las estrategias de investigación que subyacen a su análisis de la prisión, la cual pasó en poco tiempo de ser un elemento marginal de la penalidad a constituir la forma privilegiada de castigo. La hipótesis de Foucault es que su rápida aceptación por parte del sistema jurídico se debe a la generalización previa de las disciplinas esparcidas por todo (...)
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    Ciber-seres en la literatura.David Sebastian Lozano Torres - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (47):117-133.
    El propósito de este texto es abordar la problemática de las inteligencias artificiales y su incidencia en la sociedad contemporánea. Para ello, se realizan lecturas paralelas de las sociedades distópicas creadas por Isaac Asimov y Philip K. Dick. A partir de estas, se identifican algunos rasgos existentes en nuestro contexto inmediato, enfocándonos en tres ejes principales: la sociedad de vigilancia y control tecnológico, el problema de lo natural en los ciber-seres, y la visión del siglo XXI en la ciencia ficción (...)
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    AVANESSIAN, Armen: Miamificación, Materia Oscura, Segovia, 2019, 250p.David Sánchez González - 2020 - Agora 39 (2):231-235.
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  46. Filosofía crítica de los sistemas jurídicos.Angel Sánchez de la Torre - 1975 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 15:409-427.
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    Influence of Resilience and Optimism on Distress and Intention to Self-Isolate: Contrasting Lower and Higher COVID-19 Illness Risk Samples From an Extended Health Belief Model.Sergio Cervera-Torres, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Hendrik Godbersen, Lena Massó, David Martínez-Rubio, Sheila Pintado-Cucarella & Rosa M. Baños - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The study investigated the influence of resilience and dispositional optimism on, first, emotional distress and, second, the intention to self-isolate, experienced by people with a lower and higher illness risk, during the lockdown imposed in Spain during the first COVID-19 wave. These effects were investigated against the background of the Health Belief Model. A convenience sample of N = 325 participants completed an online survey including an ad-hoc questionnaire measuring the HBM core factors: Perceived health threat, and perceived quarantine benefits (...)
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    Design, Validation, and Reliability of an Observational Instrument for Technical and Tactical Actions in Singles Badminton.Gema Torres-Luque, Juan Carlos Blanca-Torres, José María Giménez-Egido, David Cabello-Manrique & Enrique Ortega-Toro - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Technical and tactical actions are decisive in terms of badminton player competitive performance. The main objective of this research was to design, validate, and estimate the reliability of an observational instrument for the analysis of the tactical and technical actions in individual badminton. The process was carried out in four different steps: first, there was a review of the scientific literature and a preliminary list of variables was made; second, a qualitative and quantitative assessment was completed by 10 badminton expert (...)
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    (1 other version)Filosofía, modernidad, tradición e historia: analogías entre Martin Heidegger y T. S Eliot.David Sánchez Usanos - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 44 (2):263-278.
    Este artículo muestra la relación entre algunos planteamientos de Martin Heidegger a propósito de la filosofía, la historia, el pasado y la tradición y propuestas análogas en el campo literario, principalmente a cargo a cargo del poeta y crítico T. S Eliot. Nos centraremos fundamentalmente en cuatro aspectos: la reinvención del canon, la reconsideración metodológica del pasado, la atención a la forma de presentación y el cuestionamiento de la propia disciplina.
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  50. Astrobiocentrism: reflections on challenges in the transition to a vision of life and humanity in space.Octavio Alfonso Chon-Torres, Julian Chela-Flores, David Dunér, Erik Persson, Tony Milligan, Jesús Martínez-Frías, Andreas Losch, Adam Pryor & César Andreé Murga-Moreno - 2024 - International Journal of Astrobiology 23 (e6):1-17.
    Astrobiocentrism is a vision that places us in a scenario of confirmation of life in the universe, either as a second genesis or as an expansion of humanity in space. It manages to raise consistent arguments in relation to questions such as what would happen to knowledge if life were confirmed in the universe, how would this change the way we understand our place in the cosmos? Astrobiocentrism raises a series of reflections in the context of confirmed discovery, and it (...)
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